Insulated rail joints (IRJ) are used in railway signalling. The seamless welding of the tracks makes it necessary to install high-quality bonded and high-strength bolted insulated rail joints, as we produce them.
We can supply you with the following insulation joints:
- Type ISW - The insulated rail joint type ISW has been developed as a pure workshop joint and is delivered to the customer together with the rails in rail lengths according to the customer's requirements.
- Type ISB Pro - The system is supplied as a kit - semi-finished product for workshop production with an adhesive for workshop conditions and a curing time of 8 hours (20°C). The pre-coated flaps are insulated and must be glued and screwed into the flap chamber area of the rails.
- Type ISB - The system is supplied as a kit - semi-finished product for bonding on site with an adhesive with a curing time of 1 hour (20°C). The pre-coated flaps are insulated and must be glued and screwed into the flap chamber area of the rails.
- Type ISK - Insulated rail joints with insulating flaps made of glass-fibre reinforced polyester ISK. The ISK system is intended as a simple solution for:
- Tracks and switches which are not completely welded or where the final position of the glued insulated joints is not yet fixed and are provisionally integrated into the safety system.
- Temporary solution for damaged bonded insulated joints